There’s a lot of misunderstanding around how to properly use a Fentanyl strip & the importance of properly diluting a substance when using a Fentanyl strip, especially when testing any stimulants. We put together a brief demonstration showing how improperly diluting substances can cause false positives when Fentanyl strips, & then we demonstrate how to avoid false positives.
💡 Before we dive in we feel it’s important to mention there are 2 primary ways Fentanyl strips are being used for substance testing:
“Scientific Method”:
This involves dissolving an entire pill or an entire baggie to ensure the most accurate results, then followed by using a scale to weigh out exact measurements. *We will not be using this method in this demonstration. Visit our website to learn more about this method.**
“Renegade Method”:
In our EDM/rave communities this method is more common & realistic when testing at events. This method involves using approximately 1.5oz of water which is the typical amount of a shot glass & then dissolving about 1/2 a grain of rice of any solid substance (or a presumed shot if injecting). The most common mistake we see with this method is not using enough water when diluting the substance. It’s become a common trend to use either a water bottle cap or pill bottle cap — but this is incorrect. The best practice is to use a clean shot glass which is approximately 1.5oz of water, or another clean container of similar size.
➡️ For this demonstration we will be using the “Renegade Method” which is lost common across our EDM/rave communies. The substance being tested is a 10mg instant-release adderall which came directly from a US pharmacy, prescribed to one of our volunteers. We used this medication to ensure there was no chance of cross-contamination.
1️⃣ Test One (pictured left):
We began by completely dissolving a single 10mg instant-release adderall pill in the cap of the prescription pill bottle. To test the mixture we opened a new Fentanyl strip, holding the solid end of the strip then inserting the wavy side 1/2 inch into the mixture for 15 seconds, & then after waiting 2 minutes a single red line appeared which indicated a positive result for Fentanyl. In this demonstration we already know that there is no chance that the adderall was exposed to Fentanyl or other cross-contamination, so why did the Fentanyl strip produce a false positive result? Especially when working with any stimulant like amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine, or MDMA, false positives can occur if not enough water was used to properly dilute the substance. The cap from the prescription bottle was too small to properly dilute the pill which caused the false positive result.
2️⃣ Test Two (pictured right):
For the second test to ensure we avoid a false positive we moved the mixture used in the first test to a larger cup, then added approximately 1.5oz of water (typical shot glass), & then used another new Fentanyl strip, holding the solid end of the strip then inserting the wavy side 1/2 inch into the mixture for 15 seconds, & then after waiting 2 minutes we clearly 2 red lines, indicating a negative result for Fentanyl.
When using the “Renegade Method” to test for Fentanyl, use a shot glass or another container of similar size, use approximately 1/2 a grain of rice of the substance you’re testing, holding the solid end of the strip then inserting the wavy side 1/2 inch into the mixture for 15 seconds, & then wait 2 minutes for the results. 1 line likely indicates a positive result & 2 lines likely indicates a negative result.