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Narcan Request Form Temporarily Unavailable

We wanted to send a quick message to the community to inform everyone that our Narcan Request Form is temporarily unavailable. This is due to an issue with PayPal & our distribution efforts involving Narcan & other harm reduction supplies such as syringes. PayPal is stating that our various forms which include contributions followed by a shipment that contains a medical device go against their user agreement. This violation has resulted in a request to remove PayPal from any request form of ours that includes any medical device including, Naloxone, syringes, or other medical devices.

While we are working with the PayPal Giving Fund department we have temporarily shut down our Narcan Request Form while we research alternative payment processors. We are temporarily pausing our outgoing shipments at this time as well. We will send out another email once the request form is open & once we resume outgoing shipments. Please contact NEXT Distro to locate local resources for Narcan, or to receive a free shipment if no local resources are available. Click Here for the NEXT Distro website.

In the meantime, we are also unable to receive donations or payments using PayPal. For now, donations can be sent using the following:

CashApp using $HarmReductionCircle

GoFundMe by Clicking Here

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