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News: The National Vital Statistics System

This data visualization presents provisional counts for drug overdose deaths based on a current flow of mortality data in the National Vital Statistics System. The provisional data presented in this visualization include: (a) the reported & predicted provisional counts of deaths due to drug overdose occurring nationally & in each jurisdiction; (b) a U.S. map of the percentage changes in provisional drug overdose deaths for the current 12 month-ending period compared with the 12-month period ending in the same month of the previous year, by jurisdiction; & (c) the reported & predicted provisional counts of drug overdose deaths involving specific drugs or drug classes occurring nationally & in selected jurisdictions.

The reported & predicted provisional counts represent the numbers of deaths due to drug overdose occurring in the 12-month periods ending in the month indicated. These counts include all seasons of the year & are insensitive to variations by seasonality. Deaths are reported by the jurisdiction in which the death occurred. Categories are not mutually exclusive because deaths may involve more than one drug. Rate per 100,000 population age-adjusted to the 2,000 U.S. standard population using the vintage year population of the data year.

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