Come by the Harm Reduction Circle booth at Joshua Tree Music Festival from October 6-9th & earn +1 raffle ticket to win an Apple Watch SE by participating in our free 5-minute Narcan training, making a donating to our canned food drive to support the Inland Empire Harm Reduction, participating with our free substance testing service, or returning with a friend to participate! Out booth will be located along the lake, nearby medical open daily from noon to midnight where you can enjoy our Inner Circle Sanctuary, we'll be distributing essential goodies, offering educational services, workshops, trip sitting support, prizes, activities like Ultimate Twister, NarKandi making workshop, pancake breakfast, & more!
Harm Reduction Saves Lives 💙💜💗
Fine Print: Earn +1 raffle ticket to win an Apple Watch SE by: 1. participating in our free 5-minute Narcan training* 2. making a donating to our canned food drive to support the Inland Empire Harm Reduction** 3. participating with our free substance testing service*** or 4. returning with a friend to participate in any of the services previously listed**** Raffle tickets must have a clear first name & phone number to qualify. The drawing will take place on Sunday, October 9th at 6:00pm. Harm Reduction Circle will make their best effort to contact the winner via phone call & text message. Winner must appear in-person to claim their prize by Monday, October 10th at 8:00am or forfeit. *limit 1 ticket per person per Narcan training, meaning repeated trainings do not equal multiple tickets **1 ticket per item donated, max 5 tickets per person for participation in the canned food drive ***1 ticket per person participating in substance testing, meaning testing multiple substances do not equal multiple tickets ****1 ticket per referral, must arrive in-person to claim referral ticket